A CarID is a folder-style unit that attaches with slimline velstretch to the passenger visor of your vehicle. It is designed to open open down to reveal your family name to the staff on duty at your school.
By opening downward to display your details below the visor, names become uniformly visible up to 30m from the school collection point. This allows staff to have children assembled in pick-up order, ready to board so you can continue more efficiently out of the school zone. This uniform display system has proven to cut carline waiting times in half and noticeably reduce traffic congestion around schools.
CarID's are designed to flip closed as you depart, to retain your privacy and remain fixed in your vehicle for the duration of Primary school. A CarID fitted in every carline vehicle ensures no missing signs holding every one up and ensures safe and efficient school pick ups that benefit staff, children and parent safety.
Made to last from Kindy to Year 6 they are a one-off school investment for every family.